“MDCC has always been a family and that, to me, is what Trojan Spirit embodies—a family that is always beside you through thick and thin.”
Teresa Webster.
Class of 1984
What degree did you receive and what was your major?
Associate of Arts, Business Education
What is your current occupation?
Interim President/Vice President of Instruction at MDCC
Why did you choose to attend MDCC?
Honestly, I followed my boyfriend (now husband) to MDJC! However, once classes began, I fell in love with the classes and my instructors. I felt right at home very quickly.
Who was your favorite teacher during your time at MDCC and why?
There’s no way I can list one! But, I must mention Brenda Grubb who taught me psychology, Doc Snowden who taught College Algebra, Bethe Williams who kept me from disliking speech so much, Patsy Dowell for all of her typing and shorthand lessons, and Mary Ellen Holloway, Accounting instructor, who became a second mother to me and a lifelong mentor. She is mostly responsible for developing the leadership skills I possess today!
What is your best memory from your time at MDCC?
My best memories include riding the bus with my husband and friends. Back in the day we had student bus routes with MDCC owned and driven buses. I also enjoyed being in Phi Beta Lambda with Ms. Holloway and Ms. Dowell as my sponsors. I learned so much under their leadership.
For you personally, what encapsulates the term "Trojan Spirit"?
This term now means more to me than it ever has. I never dreamed as an 18 year old student that I would ever in the future be sitting in Harmon Boggs’ or J.T. Hall’s chair, and I now have had the privilege to sit in both. MDCC has always been a family and that, to me, is what Trojan Spirit embodies—a family that is always beside you through thick and thin.