Welcome from the Alumni President
I’m humbled to serve as MDCC’s Alumni Association Board President. To begin, the Alumni Association remains steady in its focus of keeping past alumni engaged and raising funds for future scholarships. The Alumni Association Board consists of representatives from Humphreys, Sunflower, Bolivar, and Madison Counties. These members give freely of their time and resources to help make MDCC all it can be, and I’m grateful for their service.
The Alumni Association has two primary purposes: engagement and fundraising. Engagement consists of an Annual Alumni Social and Trojan Tailgate. Our primary fundraiser each year is the Annual Scramble for Scholarships Golf Tournament. All money raised from these events is used to fund student scholarships.
These alumni scholarships serve as a testament of past graduates to the enduring impact of education and the commitment of our alumni to support MDCC.
If you are currently a member, thank you. If not, I would encourage you to join! Please reach out to me if I can ever be of assistance.
Jonny Spivey, Alumni President