Ways to Give
Gifts of Cash
For many of our supporters, cash donations are the most convenient way to give. Checks can be mailed to:
MDCC Development Foundation, Inc. P.O. Box 710, Moorhead, MS 38761
In-kind gifts
The Foundation also accepts in-kind gifts of materials, equipment and supplies to assist MDCC in providing the highest educational opportunities possible.
Matching Funds
Many employers (and former employers, for retirees) match the charitable gifts of their employees. Ask your human resources department if your employer matches charitable gifts.
Planned gifts
The following are examples of methods for making a deferred gift:
Charitable remainder trusts/ charitable lead trusts
Retirement plans
Life insurance policies
Donors can make a larger commitment to the college by making a written pledge. Pledges are usually paid in three to five years.
Stocks, mutual funds, & property
Gifts of appreciated property are a common way for donors to benefit the MDCC Foundation and, at the same time, generate a tax savings. In many cases, capital gains taxes can be avoided by transferring the appreciated asset to the Foundation instead of selling it and donating the proceeds. The most common gifts of appreciated property include stock, mutual funds, and real property.