“I am a mom of 6 and I am proud to be able to allow my kids to see me walk the stage.”
Sharika Scott
Class of 2024
What degree did you receive and what was your major?
Social Science
What is your current occupation?
Deputy Clerk at the Bolivar County Circuit Clerk’s Office
Why did you choose to attend MDCC?
MDCC helped me in so many ways. They really made me buckle down and earn my degree. I appreciate the many forms of discipline. Not reopening an assignment because I missed it, not accepting late work, and not extending due dates I needed that. It showed me that you have to prioritize what’s important and get it done. & i have taken that life lesson into the real world with me. I am a mom of 6 and I am proud to be able to allow my kids to see me walk the stage.
Who was your favorite teacher during your time at MDCC and why?
Allyson Lofton was my favorite teacher. When I returned to college I started on campus and her classes was one of my classes I was enrolled in. I enjoyed the engaging moments we had. It meant a lot being that I really didn’t get a chance to have an on campus college life.
What is your best memory from your time at MDCC?
The best memory for me was when Dr. Barnes did my course evaluation and told me I was done. 🥳🥳🥳
For you personally, what encapsulates the term "Trojan Spirit"?
It’s a tradition for me. I graduated from East Side High which were Trojans and I am graduating from MDCC who are Trojans.