Trojan Highlight
“In 1968, it was very inexpensive to attend and I lived in Moorhead all my life. It was a great school and it prepared me for Ole Miss.”
What degree did you receive and what was your major?
Associate of Arts Degree in Business
What is your current occupation?
Insurance Agent/Real Estate Agent
Why did you choose to attend MDCC?
In 1968, it was very inexpensive to attend and I lived in Moorhead all my life. It was my ambition to play football for Coach Randle, but I was too slow and too little. It was a great school and it prepared me for Ole Miss.
Who was your favorite teacher during your time at MDCC and why?
English instructor Mrs. Thelma Hughes, outstanding teacher and very helpful
What is your best memory from your time at MDCC?
Football games with good crowds. Being President of the Student Government Association and delivering the graduation speech in 1970.
For you personally, what encapsulates the term "Trojan Spirit"?
Being a complete supporter of all facets of the college. Being a supporter during the good and the bad years.
Doug Russell
Class of 1970