“I look back on those days as the beginning of my adult life. I will always have that spirit as a precious memory. ”
Donnie Baker
Class of 1969
What degree did you receive and what was your major?
MA Degree in Electronics
What is your current occupation?
Retired from 40 years with AT&T.
Why did you choose to attend MDCC?
Was offered a band scholarship and was very interested in their vocational technical program particularly in electronics. I knew that they had the absolute best instructors in the field of electronics that included Karl Rushing and Allen Nelms. I was really into mathematics for electronics and circuitry design. I was technically oriented and eager to get involved in the program. I made good grades and was offered a job with AT&T after graduating. I was first chair drummer and percussionist for both years there. Joe Abrams was the best band director ever. I played in the marching, concert, and jazz bands both years there. I totally enjoyed my two years there at what was Mississippi Delta Jr College at the time.
Who was your favorite teacher during your time at MDCC and why?
By all means Karl Rushing was the best of all electronics instructors. He and Allen Nelms were in a class of their own. Mr. Rushing was a military trained electronics technician also trained in field radio communications. He was especially interested in the future of remote control and geographic positioning of agriculture equipment. Ahead of his time for sure. I learned so much from this great teacher.
What is your best memory from your time at MDCC?
Being in the stands with the marching band for home football games. So much excitement working with the cheerleaders and majorettes to get the home crowd into the game. The band playing our own version of Glenn Miller's " In the Mood" was so exciting and so much fun. Such great memories that I still have after all these years.
For you personally, what encapsulates the term "Trojan Spirit"?
Getting involved with the band, football team, cheerleaders, and majorettes made my college days so much better. I felt like I was really a part of and really involved in the everyday activities at Mississippi Delta Junior College. I was proud to play in the Trojan band at games, parades, concerts and special occasions. I look back on those days as the beginning of my adult life. I will always have that spirit as a precious memory. The band was known as "The Spirit"