Trojan Highlight

I could get the same, great education at MDCC for my general education hours that I could at any other institution.

What degree did you receive and what was your major?

AA Field Crops

What is your current occupation?


Why did you choose to attend MDCC?

I could get the same great education at MDCC for my general education hours as I could at any our institution.

Who was your favorite teacher during your time at MDCC and why?

Barry Corley. Mr. Corley was young beginner instructor and really wanted to do well. The excitement he brought with teaching was excellent.

What is your best memory from your time at MDCC?

Meeting new friends and still til this day are friends.

For you personally, what encapsulates the term "Trojan Spirit"?
Go-Head Mo-Head. Go Trojans

Chris Johnson

Class of 1999