Annual Scholarships:
Active Annual Scholarships:
The Allen & Catherine Snowden Scholarship was established in 2002 upon the retirement of long-time math instructors Allen and Catherine Snowden.
The Anne Dunn Nursing Scholarship was established by friends of former, long-time nursing instructor Anne Dunn, following her death in October of 2003. This scholarship provides assistance to a nursing student who shows promise in the Associate Degree Nursing Program.
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This scholarship was established by the Rev. and Mrs. Howell Richardson in memory of their son, William Perrin “Bill” Richardson, in 1993.
The W.A. “Billy” Pickett Scholarship was established in 2001 by alumni and friends in memory of MDCC supporter, Billy Pickett of Greenwood.
Established by the Cleveland, Miss.-based medical foundation, the Bolivar Medical Center Foundation Scholarship in Associate Degree Nursing is awarded to students interested in working in Bolivar County after graduation. The Bolivar Medical Center Foundation was formed in 2000 by Bolivar County to manage funds realized from the lease of the formerly county-run hospital. The Foundation’s mission is instruction to the public on the improvement of personal health, hygiene, and safety.
This scholarship was established upon Dean Foley’s retirement by faculty, friends and students in honor of Mr. Foley’s 42 years of service to vocational-technical education at MDCC.
The Cooper-Oguz Inaugural PTA Scholarship Fund was established in March 2017 by Carmen Oguz and family. In 2017, Carmen was named MDCC’s first Physical Therapy Assistant (PTA) program director. By this date, Carmen had been a physical therapist for two decades in and around the Mississippi Delta/north Mississippi. Her advocacy for her profession at the local, state, and national levels is intended to be perpetuated by this scholarship. The Cooper-Oguz Inaugural PTA Program Scholarship Fund shall be awarded to deserving Physical Therapy Assistant student(s) at Mississippi Delta Community College.
Established in 2015 and awarded to a deserving practical nursing student, The Deborah Watson Potter Practical Nursing Scholarship honors Potter’s 24 years of service to practical nursing education and the nursing profession. Potter was a role model and mentor to students and alumni of MDCC’s Practical Nursing Program.
The Dr. Tyrone Jackson Presidential Scholarship was established by Epsilon XI Lambda Chapter in 2021 to financially assist students enrolled at Mississippi Delta Community College.
The Farmers Grain Scholarship is awarded to students enrolled in the farm management technology program. Farmers Grain Terminal, Inc. is a regional company serving producer-owners in the Mississippi Delta, Southeast Arkansas, and Northeast Louisiana.
Established by the Bolivar County Chapter of the MDCC Alumni Association, the scholarship is awarded in memory of Mr. Farno Manning. Better known as Bud, Manning was a 1935 graduate of Sunflower Junior College and a long-time supporter of the MDCC Alumni & Foundation.
The Fred W. Bayne Scholarship was established by Continue Care Home Health in memory of Bayne, a long-time associate who passed away from cancer. It is awarded to a student pursuing a nursing degree and is selected by the MDCC nursing faculty.
Established in memory of longtime farm management technology instructor Bud Dowell, the scholarship is awarded to a student majoring in farm management technology.
Established in 1960, the scholarship is named after a leader in the field of education in Mississippi for many years, and the first president of Sunflower Junior College.
This scholarship was established by friends of Harper upon his retirement after 44 years of service as Sunflower County’s Chancery Clerk. A 1939 Sunflower Junior College graduate, Harper served on the MDCC Board of Trustees from 1961 until 2003.
This scholarship was established by Mr. and Mrs. Jerald L. Williamson of Lake Village, Ark., and countless friends in memory of their son, Jason Andrew Williamson. The scholarship is awarded to students demonstrating academic achievement.
This scholarship was established by George Hansen, husband of the late Jeanine Holloway Hansen, as well as other family members and friends.
This scholarship was established by Bobby Gibney of Mobile, Ala. in honor of his former coach. Bellipanni began coaching at MDCC in 1951 and, until his death in 2002, was serving as the college’s Athletic Director.
Established in 1996 by the Indianola Kiwanis Club, this scholarship honors the memory of former Kiwanis member and MDCC Alumnus, Kent “Blade” Pierce.
The Leo Williams, Jr. Scholarship was established in 2016 by Leo & Pete Williams (Lakeland Planting Company). Students majoring in an agricultural or engineering-related field are eligible. Preference is given to students with a minimum 2.5 GPA who reside either in Sharkey or Washington County.
The Mary Aycock Russell Scholarship fund was established by James “Jim” Aycock in December of 2014 in honor of his aunt, Mary Aycock Russell of Louisville, Ky. Ms. Russell’s accounting career spans over 40 years, and this scholarship is intended to support a student pursuing a career in accounting, business or a related field.
The McCuan Memorial Scholarship was established by Robert E. and Mary Ann Bryan of Greenwood to provide a perpetual memorial for Noble McKeel McCuan, Sr., Hattie Johnson McCuan, and Morris Kenneth McCuan.
The Melvin E. Tharp scholarship was established by former students in October of 1994 in memory of the long-time agricultural teacher at Sunflower Junior College. The scholarship is awarded annually to deserving career or technical students who have exhibited academic achievement.
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The M-OADN (Mississippi Organization for Associate Degree Nursing) Scholarship is awarded to a student enrolled in MDCC’s Associate Degree Nursing Program. M-OADN is a state organization primarily interested in working to retain the Registered Nurse title and scope of practice for the associate degree nurse.
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The scholarship was established in 2016 by the administration of North Sunflower Medical Center to assist students enrolled in Mississippi Delta Community College’s health science programs. Two scholarships are given out each year, one to a nursing student and another to a student in any other of MDCC’s health science programs.
The Stauffer Scholarship was established by family and friends in May of 1994 following the death of a student, Shane Stauffer. Shane, a native of Inverness, was the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Stauffer. Mr. Stauffer, who served as Executive Assistant to the President at MDCC, followed Shane in death in July of 1994. Memorials made in honor of Shane and Sherman Stauffer established this scholarship.
The Patti Parker Livingston Scholarship Fund was established in 2013 by Mrs. Patti Livingston. Livingston, an MDCC retiree with over 37 years of service to the college, first joined the ranks in 1980 as a freshman associate degree nursing faculty member. During her tenure, Livingston held several leadership positions overseeing MDCC’s health science programs. Mrs. Livingston retired in 2017 from the position of Health Science Division Chair, having supervised all health science programs for over 10 years. Two scholarships are given out each year, one to a nursing student and another to a student in any other of MDCC’s health science programs.
The Rick & Tammy Shepherd scholarship was established in 2013 for graduates of Washington School in Greenville, Miss. who exhibit outstanding academic achievement.
Established by longtime supporter and MDJC Alumnus, Bob Hooker of Mobile, Ala., the scholarship is awarded to a student from Sunflower County.
This scholarship was established in May of 1995 by friends of the late Mr. & Mrs. Sam Ely in honor of Mr. Ely’s retirement as Sunflower County Circuit Clerk after 30 years of service to the county. Mr. Ely, an alumnus of Sunflower Junior College, served for many years on the MDCC Development Foundation Board of Directors.
The Shane Naramore Scholarship was established in memory of the former MDCC student by his employer, Micro-SPED, friends, and family.
Established in 2015, the Silent Shade Planting Company Scholarship is awarded to full-time students from either Humphreys or Sunflower County. The recipient must have a good academic performance and preferably in an agricultural program.
This scholarship fund was established in memory of Tom Davis in 2015. Davis, an instructor in the MDCC Math & Science Division, taught Physics, Chemistry, and Physical Science for many years. He was a gifted teacher who was well-loved and respected by his peers, colleagues, and students.
The Truman Stokes Family Scholarship was established in 2016 to benefit students from Washington County. This scholarship fund was established in 2016 by Truman and Amelia Stokes.